Wilkies Grove Baptist Church
Christ First…In All We Do
Welcome to Wilkies Grove Baptist Church
-Established in 1892-
Wilkies Grove continues to worship the One True Savior and bringing the lost into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. We are celebrating over 130 years in doing God’s work in the George Hildebrand Community.
9:30 AM
Sunday School
10:30 am
Sunday Morning Service
6:00 pm
Sunday Night Service
7:00 pm
Wednesday Night Service
Upcoming Events
SUNDAY -Weds 6 PM – 8:30 PM
Classes for All Ages!!!
Youth and Children Associate Pastor Position
and Children
Associate Pastor Position
Wilkies Grove Baptist Church
5780 Wilkies Grove Church Rd.
Hickory, North Carolina
An Eastern Burke County Church is looking for an Associate Pastor for youth & children program. Applicants must be licensed and an ordained minister with a preferred 3 years of experience in church leadership. He should currently be a member of a Southern Baptist Church and agrees with the inerrancy of the Holy Bible. He must have a profession of faith in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
The pastor must be able to work a minimum of a forty hour work week.
He will be required to maintain a youth program to include Sunday School, Bible Study & Student ministry. He will also need to assist in worship services and fill the pulpit as needed.
The pastor will be required to be a viable part of the church family. He will work with Deacons and leaders in children’s ministry. He must be willing to provide any counseling or visitation needed by the church body. He will also have to maintain biblically grounded programs & activities for youth & children. He will work with other youth/children leaders to monitor & co-ordinate activities, camps & mission trips.
Further Information:
Send Resume & References to
Please send a digital link of a sermon or message to the above email.
Mission Statement
Commit our time to Telling the Truth of Jesus Christ, Communicate our Message of Ministering to Men by The Holy Spirit Continue to Focus on Feeding the Flock of God.
Vision Statement
Video answers to life’s hard questions TrueLife.org
Church Leaders

Rev. Thurman & Donna Roe
Senior Pastor & Wife

Rev. Chance & Bobbie Settle
Associate Pastor & Wife

Robin Davis
Church Secretary
Our History
Wilkies Grove is located in the George Hildebrand community of eastern Burke county and was first established in 1892. We are a traditional church with an affiliation with the Southern Baptist Convention, the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina and the Catawba River Baptist Association. Wilkies Grove has origins as far back as 1890. The first church building was completed in 1893 and was used until 1951.
The sanctuary has origins back to 1951. During this phase of growth the front porch and bell tower was added along with several classrooms, completed at various stages throughout the 1950’s. The sanctuary was significantly remodeled again in 1985 coinciding with the construction of the Educational Building. In 1999, the sanctuary was remodeled to its current state. Several rows of seating, a new vestibule, A/V control room and an additional restroom at the back was added. This last renovation allows for approximately 300 to be seated in the sanctuary.
The education building and church offices are located behind the sanctuary building. This two-story addition to the main building was completed in 1985. We also have two other buildings on our campus. The Sunday School wing is located on the north side of the church and also houses our library. This building was built in 1969 as the original fellowship hall, nursery and education building. It was remodeled in 2004 as the Sunday School Wing, and also houses our refurbished nursery.
On the south side of the church is the fellowship hall/multipurpose building. This building can be used for meals, dramas or meetings. It is designed to hold over 750 people for meetings and can be converted to seat over 350 for meals. The new fellowship hall was completed in the Fall of 2004.
Wilkies Grove completed a 3 phase plan to build a new main sanctuary to seat over 500 worshipers.
Phase 1 we expanded our parking area.
Phase 2 we expanded the multi- purpose building to include a permanent stage and new office areas.
Phase 3 we remodeled the sanctuary and had our first service on Homecoming Sunday 2018
Heritage Hall: Wilkies Grove celebrated 130 years of existence in 2022.
In 2023, the church opened their Heritage Hall which displays photo’s and items pertaining to the church & its members through its blessed history & how God has had His hands on them.